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Paralogues View

Example page

Homologues are inferred from the gene trees, which are determined using all species in Ensembl. A detailed description of the method is provided here.

Paralogues are defined in Ensembl as genes for which the most common ancestor node is a duplication event. These ancestral duplications are represented by red nodes in the gene trees.

The table shows the taxonomic level of the ancestor duplication node, the Ensembl gene ID and name, the location of the paralogue, and the percent of identical amino acids in the paralogue compared with the gene of interest (Target %ID). The identity of the gene of interest when compared with the paralogue is the query %ID.

For alignments of the paralogues, use the links in the Compare column.

Unaligned sequences (nucleotide and/or amino acids) of paralogs can be exported in FASTA format by clicking on Sequence export. The Compara API and BioMart can also be used to export paralogues.