Ensembl Variation database and API
Ensembl Variation database
- Database schema documentation: page describing every column of every table of the Ensembl Variation database schema.
Database schema diagram [PDF]:
Perl API
A comprehensive Perl Application Program Interface (API) provides efficient access to the Ensembl Variation database.
- API Installation: A step-by-step installation guide for all Perl Ensembl APIs.
- Variation API Documentation: A complete reference to the objects and methods used in the Variation database API, through the Doxygen tool.
- Variation API Tutorial: An introduction to the underlying concepts of the Variation database API.
API diagram overviews
See below links to some overviews of the Variation API to illustrate what data/objects you can fetch from the classes:
Note: not all the objects of the Ensembl Variation API are represented in these diagrams. They are only overviews to help you to understand the main classes in Ensembl Variation API.
Ensembl Software Support
Ensembl is an open project and we would like to encourage correspondence and discussions on any subject on any aspect of Ensembl. Please see the Ensembl Contacts page for suitable options getting in touch with us.