Anopheles albimanus (Mosquito, STECLA) Assembly and Gene Annotation
About Anopheles albimanus
Anopheles albimanus it is one of the main vectors of malaria in Central America, northern South America and the Caribbean. On the Atlantic coast it is found from Texas to Venezuela, on most of the Caribbean islands and on the Pacific coast, from Mexico to northern Peru.
The larval sites used by An. albimanus are characterised across its range as open, sunlit and containing clear water. The species can be found in natural and man-made habitats where these characteristics exist. For example, it occurs in recently planted rice fields, or in older fields with sunlit areas in between the rice plants. The larvae tolerate a wide variation in water chemistry and are able to exploit diverse food sources enabling them to survive in both fresh water (e.g. irrigation channels, small ponds, marshes, slow flowing streams and river margins) and brackish water (e.g. mangrove swamps).
An. albimanus is predominantly exophagic with exophilic resting behaviour, however there is some indication that in the northern reaches of its distribution (Mexico, Central America), this species exhibits a preference for resting indoors after feeding. An. albimanus bites in the evening and during the night. It appears to show a tendency for zoophily, but some reports have indicated anthropophillic activity.
Vectorial capacity
An. albimanus is considered to be a dominant malaria vector species.
This text was modified from Sinka ME et al. (2010) The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in the Americas: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis Parasites & Vectors 3:72.
STECLA strain
Originally isolated from El Salvador, isofemale subcolony selection was performed prior to genome sequencing. For more details click here.
Source: VectorBase
Picture credit: James Gathany, CDC Public domain via Wikimedia Commons (Image source)
AalbS2 assembly
This assembly is a re-scaffolding of AalbS1 using a high resolution
cytogenetic map to construct a chromosome based genome assembly as
described in the publication
"The physical genome mapping of Anopheles
albimanus corrected scaffold misassemblies and Identified inter-arm
rearrangements in genus
" . Subsequent
physical mapping, assisted by an ortholog-based bioinformatics approach,
identified and corrected 9 misassemblies in 5 large genomic scaffolds.
The initial (AalbS1) assembly was generated using 101 bp paired-end Illumina HiSeq2000 reads generated from three libraries: a 180 bp insert 'fragment' library, a 1.5 kb 'jump' library, and a 38 kb 'fosill' library. Sequencing template for the fragment and jump libraries was derived from genomic DNA extracted from a single individual, which was preserved by freezing at -80C. Native genomic DNA was used for the fragment library and whole genome amplified DNA was used for the jump library. Template for the fosill library was generated from a pooled extraction of many individuals. Reads were assembled at the Broad Institute using the ALLPATHS LG algorithm, with the Haploidify option enabled to address high allelic heterozygosity in the template.[no-lexicon]
AalbS2.7 gene set
Community annotation patch build for July 2019
- The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in the Americas:
occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic
Sinka ME, Rubio-Palis Y, Manguin S, Patil AP, Temperley WH, Gething PW, Van Boeckel T, Kabaria CW, Harbach RE, Hay SI. 2010. Parasit Vectors. 3:72. - The Physical Genome Mapping of Anopheles albimanus Corrected
Scaffold Misassemblies and Identified Interarm Rearrangements in
Genus Anopheles.
Artemov GN, Peery AN, Jiang X, Tu Z, Stegniy VN, Sharakhova MV, Sharakhov IV. 2017. G3. 7(1):155-164.
Picture credit: VectorBase.org
Assembly | AalbS2, INSDC Assembly GCA_000349125.2, |
Database version | 113.2 |
Golden Path Length | 173,339,239 |
Genebuild by | VEuPathDB |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | Virgina Tech |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 12,179 |
Non coding genes | 322 |
Small non coding genes | 320 |
Long non coding genes | 2 |
Gene transcripts | 12,893 |