Cataglyphis hispanica (Desert ant, Lineage 1) (ULB_Chis1_1.0)

About Cataglyphis hispanica

Cataglyphis is a genus of ant, desert ants, in the subfamily Formicinae. Its most famous species is C. bicolor, the Sahara Desert ant, which runs on hot sand to find insects that died of heat exhaustion, and can, like other several other Cataglyphis species, sustain body temperatures up to 50°C.

Species of this genus are behaviourally, morphologically, and physiologically adapted to dry and hot habitats.

At least five different species of Cataglyphis occur in the Sahara Desert, which may be considered the center of distribution for this genus. Five species also occur in Israel. Some species reach into southern Russia, southern Spain, Greece, the former Yugoslavia, Hungary, the European part of Turkey, and the Aral-Caspian area near Tijanchan.

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Taxonomy ID 1086592

(Text from Wikipedia.)

More information General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia

Taxonomy ID 1086592

Data source Universite Libre de Bruxelles

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Genome assembly: ULB_Chis1_1.0

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