About Hyalomma asiaticum
Hyalomma is a genus of hard-bodied ticks common in Asia, Europe, and North Africa. They are also found in Southern Africa. The name is derived from Greek: hyalos (ὕαλος) crystal, glass; and omma (oμμα) eye.
Hyalomma species are difficult to identify due to their hybridization and genetic and morphological variations, caused by harsh environmental conditions and lack of food sources. Hyalomma species are the only ticks to live in such harsh desert conditions. With few hosts available, they are required to be active as soon as a potential host is sensed.
Adult Hyalomma can bite humans and transmit serious pathogens. Immature (nymph) Hyalomma usually feed on birds, rodents, and hares and can be the cause of viral disease and rickettsias. Nymphs are often transmitted from one place to another by migrating birds. Hyalomma species can transmit rickettsias, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Boutonneuse fever, and Q fever.
(Text from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [1].)
Taxonomy ID 266040
Data source TIGMIC Group, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
This species currently has no variation database. However you can process your own variants using the Variant Effect Predictor: