Octopus bimaculoides (California two-spot octopus, UCB-OBI-ISO-001) (ASM119413v2)

About Octopus bimaculoides

The California two-spot octopus (Octopus bimaculoides), often simply called a "bimac", is an octopus species native to many parts of the Pacific Ocean including the coast of California. One can identify the species by the circular blue eyespots on each side of its head. Bimacs usually live to be about two years old. They are closely related to Verrill's two-spot octopus. In 2015, the genome was sequenced.

Picture credit: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons (Image source)

Taxonomy ID 37653

(Text from Wikipedia.)

More information General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia

Taxonomy ID 37653

Data source UC Berkeley

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Genome assembly: ASM119413v2

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Gene annotation

What can I find? Protein-coding and non-coding genes, splice variants, cDNA and protein sequences, non-coding RNAs.

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Comparative genomics

What can I find? Homologues, gene trees, and whole genome alignments across multiple species.

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This species currently has no variation database. However you can process your own variants using the Variant Effect Predictor:

Variant Effect Predictor