Cherax quadricarinatus (Australian red claw crayfish, HC-2022) (ASM2687515v2)

transcription factor IIIA-like


Primary_assembly NC_069481.1: 332,478-339,933 forward strand.


About this gene

This gene has 3 transcripts (splice variants).

Show/hide columns (1 hidden)
  • Name
  • Transcript ID
  • bp
  • Protein
  • Translation ID
  • Biotype
  • Flags
NameTranscript IDbpProteinBiotypeFlags
Protein coding
Ensembl Canonical
-XR_008409136.11389No protein
misc RNA
-XR_008409137.11333No protein
misc RNA
Genomic alignments (Not available)
Gene tree (Not available)
Orthologues (Not available)
Paralogues (Not available)
Families (Not available)

More views of comparative genomics data, such as multiple alignments and synteny, are available on the Location page for this gene.