Coremacera marginata (Sieve-winged Snailkiller, reference) (idCorMarg1.1)

Coremacera marginata (Sieve-winged Snailkiller, reference) Assembly and Gene Annotation

About Coremacera marginata

Coremacera marginata is a species of fly in the family Sciomyzidae, the marsh flies or snail-killing flies.

Picture credit: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons (Image source)

Taxonomy ID 1226616

(Text from Wikipedia.)

More information General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia


The assembly presented here has been imported from INSDC and is linked to the assembly accession [GCA_914767935.1].

The total length of the assembly is 979662365 bp contained within 60 scaffolds. The scaffold N50 value is 184110224, the scaffold L50 value is 3. The GC% content of the assembly is 33.5%.


Ensembl Metazoa displaying genes linked to the assembly with accession GCA_914767935.1.

Genomic assembly deposited to the INSDC by Wellcome Sanger Institute. Genome annotation performed by Ensembl as part of the partnership with the Darwin Tree of Life (DToL) project.

Genome annotation was obtained using re-engineered versions of our Gene Annotation System Aken et al. with refinements implemented for non-vertebrate genomic annotation.

Find more information regarding DToL and Ensembl partnership here.



AssemblyidCorMarg1.1, INSDC Assembly GCA_914767935.1, Sep 2021
Database version112.1
Golden Path Length979,662,365
Genebuild byEnsembl
Genebuild methodAnno
Data sourceWellcome Sanger Institute

Gene counts

Coding genes13,486
Non coding genes2,068
Small non coding genes800
Long non coding genes1,265
Misc non coding genes3
Gene transcripts21,943