Glossina brevipalpis (Tsetse fly, IAEA) (GbreI1)

Glossina brevipalpis (Tsetse fly, IAEA) Assembly and Gene Annotation

The Glossina brevipalpis data and its display on Ensembl Genomes are made possible through a joint effort by the Ensembl Genomes group and VectorBase, a component of VEuPathDB.

The assembly name may not match that from INSDC due to additional community contributions applied by VEuPathDB to the initial INSDC assembly (recorded by the assembly accession).

About Glossina brevipalpis

This species is widely scattered throughout eastern parts of Africa, from Ethiopia and Somalia in the north, to Mozambique and South Africa in the south. There is a large belt west of Lake Tanganyika, in Zaire. Ancestral vector of Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT).

IAEA strain

Sequenced strain originating from colony maintained in IAEA laboratories in Seibersdorf, Austria.

Source: VectorBase

GbreI1 assembly

Submitted by Glossina Genomes Consortium.

GbreI1.8 gene set

Community annotation patch build for July 2019.



AssemblyGbreI1, INSDC Assembly GCA_000671755.1, Jun 2014
Database version113.1
Golden Path Length315,360,362
Genebuild byVEuPathDB
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceVectorBase

Gene counts

Coding genes14,656
Non coding genes335
Small non coding genes333
Long non coding genes2
Gene transcripts14,994