Musca domestica (House fly, aabys) Assembly and Gene Annotation
About Musca domestica
Common house fly, a comparator species for the tsetse project.
Aabys strain
Musca domestica strain maintained by Jeff Scott At Cornell University.
Souce: VectorBase
Picture credit: USDAgov Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons (Image source)
MdomA1 assembly
Submitted by Glossina Genomes Consortium
MdomA1.3 gene set
VectorBase update of RNA gene models based on alignment to Rfam (v12.1) covariance models.
- Genome of the house fly, Musca domestica L., a global vector of
diseases with adaptations to a septic
Scott JG, Warren WC, Beukeboom LW, Bopp D, Clark AG, Giers SD, Hediger M, Jones AK, Kasai S, Leichter CA et al. 2014. Genome Biol.. 15(10)
Picture credit: VectorBase.org
Assembly | MdomA1, INSDC Assembly GCA_000371365.1, Apr 2013 |
Database version | 113.1 |
Golden Path Length | 750,403,944 |
Genebuild by | VEuPathDB |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | NCBI RefSeq |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 14,402 |
Non coding genes | 1,607 |
Small non coding genes | 1,604 |
Long non coding genes | 3 |
Pseudogenes | 126 |
Gene transcripts | 21,474 |