Glossina fuscipes (Tsetse fly, IAEA_lab_2018) (Yale_Gfus_2)

Glossina fuscipes (Tsetse fly, IAEA_lab_2018) Assembly and Gene Annotation

The Glossina fuscipes data and its display on Ensembl Genomes are made possible through a joint effort by the Ensembl Genomes group and VectorBase, a component of VEuPathDB.

The assembly name may not match that from INSDC due to additional community contributions applied by VEuPathDB to the initial INSDC assembly (recorded by the assembly accession).

About Glossina fuscipes

Occupies a very large inland block of Africa centred on Zaire, but covering some of the land in all of the countries surrounding Zaire, as well as Gabon, Cameroon and the southern part of Chad. Vector of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense in East Africa.

Source: VectorBase


The assembly presented is the Yale_Gfus_2 assembly submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_014805625.1.


Ensembl Metazoa displays the genes from NCBI Glossina fuscipes Annotation Release 100. Small RNA features, protein features and cross-references have been annotated by Ensembl Metazoa.



AssemblyYale_Gfus_2, INSDC Assembly GCA_014805625.1,
Database version112.2
Golden Path Length390,087,113
Genebuild byNCBI
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceYale School of Public Health

Gene counts

Coding genes12,387
Non coding genes1,318
Small non coding genes323
Long non coding genes995
Gene transcripts25,014