Actinia equina (Beadlet anemone, AE1) (equina_smartden.arrow4.noredun)

Actinia equina (Beadlet anemone, AE1) Assembly and Gene Annotation

About Actinia equina

Actinia equina The beadlet anemone (Actinia equina (L.)) is one of the most familiar organisms of the North European intertidal zone. Once considered a single, morphologically variable species across northern Europe, it is now recognised as one member of a variable species complex.[1]

Its range extends to the Mediterranean Sea, and along the Atlantic coast of Africa as far south as South Africa. Actinia equina can be found both in exposed and sheltered situations. It is highly adapted to the intertidal zone as it can tolerate both high temperatures and desiccation.[2]

Picture credit (Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0): Esculapio (Wikimedia Commons user), 2008


The Actinia equina (AE1 strain) genome was sequenced at the Centre for Genomic Research, University of Liverpool.

Assembly was undertaken using three separate assembly methods: CANU v1.7, SMARTdenovo, WTDBG and submitted by the Liverpool John Moores University[1].

The assembly was imported from GenBank.


The Actinia equina gene models were provided as GFF3 file by the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University)[1].


  1. The genome of the sea anemone Actinia equina (L.): Meiotic toolkit genes and the question of sexual reproduction. Wilding CS, Fletcher N, Smith EK, Prentis P, Weedall GD, Stewart Z. Mar Genomics. 2020 Oct; 53:100753. doi: 10.1016/j.margen.2020.100753.

  2. Beadlet_anemone. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (accessed January 7, 2021)

Picture credit (Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0): Esculapio (Wikimedia Commons user), 2008



Assemblyequina_smartden.arrow4.noredun, INSDC Assembly GCA_011057435.1,
Database version112.1
Golden Path Length409,058,306
Genebuild byLiverpool John Moores University
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceLiverpool John Moores University

Gene counts

Coding genes47,671
Non coding genes7,980
Small non coding genes7,980
Gene transcripts63,587