Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) (BDGP6.46)

Myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 75D

Gene Synonyms


Primary_assembly 3L: 18,625,959-18,667,177 forward strand.


About this gene

This gene has 4 transcripts (splice variants) and 76 orthologues.

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  • Name
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  • Protein
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  • Flags
NameTranscript IDbpProteinBiotypeUniProtRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
Q8SY34 -Ensembl CanonicalAPPRIS ALT2
Protein coding
Protein coding
Protein coding

Showing the top 20 hits from Europe PubMed Central

PubMed IDTitleAuthorsJournal
37821823From network analysis to experimental validation: identification of regulators of non-muscle myosin II contractility using the folded-gastrulation signaling pathway.Zhao A, Varady S, O'Kelley-Bangsberg M, Deng V, Platenkamp A, Wijngaard P, Bern M, Gormley W, Kushkowski E, Thompson K, Tibbetts L, Conner AT, Noeckel D, Teran A, Ritz A, Applewhite DA.BMC Mol Cell Biol 24 (1) 2023
32816624The Drosophila melanogaster Rab GAP RN-tre cross-talks with the Rho1 signaling pathway to regulate nonmuscle myosin II localization and function.Platenkamp A, Detmar E, Sepulveda L, Ritz A, Rogers SL, Applewhite DA.Mol Biol Cell 31 (21) 2020
24931409Neuronal remodeling during metamorphosis is regulated by the alan shepard (shep) gene in Drosophila melanogaster.Chen D, Qu C, Bjorum SM, Beckingham KM, Hewes RS.Genetics 197 (4) 2014
21985007MiMIC: a highly versatile transposon insertion resource for engineering Drosophila melanogaster genes.Venken KJ, Schulze KL, Haelterman NA, Pan H, He Y, Evans-Holm M, Carlson JW, Levis RW, Spradling AC, Hoskins RA, Bellen HJ.Nat Methods 8 (9) 2011
22530061A screen for genes expressed in the olfactory organs of Drosophila melanogaster identifies genes involved in olfactory behaviour.Tunstall NE, Herr A, de Bruyne M, Warr CG.PLoS One 7 (4) 2012
30540525Actomyosin contractility modulates Wnt signaling through adherens junction stability.Hall ET, Hoesing E, Sinkovics E, Verheyen EM.Mol Biol Cell 30 (3) 2019
PPR850895Single cell transcriptomics of theDrosophilaembryonic salivary gland reveals not only induction but also exclusion of expression as key morphogenetic control stepsMay A, Röper K.preprint (2024)
22809229Pharmacological modulation of histone demethylase activity by a small molecule isolated from subcritical water extracts of Sasa senanensis leaves prolongs the lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster.Nakagawa-Yagi Y, Sato Y, Matsumoto E, Nakatsuka S, Sakaki T, Muramatsu Y, Hara T, Aigaki T.BMC Complement Altern Med 12 2012
23936219Protein phosphatase 1ß limits ring canal constriction during Drosophila germline cyst formation.Yamamoto S, Bayat V, Bellen HJ, Tan C.PLoS One 8 (7) 2013
17513890Essential, overlapping and redundant roles of the Drosophila protein phosphatase 1 alpha and 1 beta genes.Kirchner J, Gross S, Bennett D, Alphey L.Genetics 176 (1) 2007
Showing 1 to 10 of 20 entries